FIN case analysis

Business Finance

.The text analysis of a case should be about 3-5 pages (double-spaced).

Your write-up should begin with an opening paragraph that defines the main issues in the case. The remainder of your paper should support your recommendations and conclusions with your analysis based on the facts of the case. Structure is important for your argument to be coherent.

The grading will be based on the quality of your analysis and writing.You should present the material in a logical, clear and concise way.Points will be deducted for grammar mistakes and typos.

Your case analysis should address the following questions.

  • What is a credit default swap?
  • What was AIG’s role in the process of mortgage securitization?
  • How risky are BBB-tranches in the first layer of securitization?
  • How risky are super-senior tranches in the second layer?
  • Discuss the risk assessment of super-senior tranches and the justification of collateral calls by AIG’s counterparties.
  • What do you learn from AIG’s CDS experience?

The case article are instruction are attached.

Guía 1: Funciones corporales integradoras


Guía 1: Funciones corporales integradoras

Conteste las siguientes preguntas y enviar archivo en formato word. Recuerde no usar el plagio ó el copy y paste, el sistema puede detectar el fraude y podrías tener calificación de cero. :

1. Define y explica los siguientes términos: osmosis, tonicidad, edema, hiponatremia, hipernatremia, hipocalemia, hipercalemia, hipocalcemia, hipercalcemia, hipofosfatemia, hiperfosfatemia, hipomagnesemia, hipomagnesemia, hipoparatiroidismo, hiperparatiroidismo.

2. Describe la composición de los líquidos corporales y su distribución en los compartimentos (LIC: Compartimento liquido intracelular y el LEC: Compartimento liquido extracelular)

3. Menciona cuales son los electrolitos y sus respectivas unidades convencionales o valores normales de los LIC y LEC.

4. ¿Cuáles son los mecanismos de regulación de sodio y agua?

5. Resume y explica las alteraciones acido-base individuales, sus respuestas compensatorias y manifestaciones de: Acidosis metabólica, alcalosis metabólica, acidosis respiratoria y alcalosis respiratoria.

Week 3 Training Delivery Methods

Business Finance

You’ve been selected to deliver a two-hour Active Shooter training course for security personnel. Explain what delivery methods you will use during the two-hour session and why you chose those methods.

The primary reference for theessays will be your assigned textbooks.

Security Operations Management

Author: Robert McCrie

Publisher: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann
Edition: 3



Based on the Case Study Number 27 “Delta Airlines 2012: Navigating an Uncertain Environment”, answer the following question:

You have been hired as a strategic management consultant by Delta Airlines.  What specific recommendations would you make to the senior management team in the development of their strategic management plans with the issues facing their company?  Be specific and provide logical justifications.

You need not write a synopsis, or identify the resources, capabilities, and core competencies.  You should, however, understand what their resources, capabilities, and core competencies are.

Using the findings of fact format, discuss, in detail, any recommendations you may have.  You are required to submit three fully justified findings of fact and the paper should be at least 11 or 12 pages
