Reading Assignment: Denhardt and Denhardt, The New Public Service, Serving Not Steering, Chapter 7, pages 123-143. Here is the link for the readings: In

Reading Assignment:

Denhardt and Denhardt, The New Public Service, Serving Not Steering, Chapter 7, pages 123-143.

Here is the link for the readings:


· Choose a topic from the lesson/readings that interests you and write a journal entry that is double-spaced, two pages in length. Be sure to clearly identify what topic you’ve chosen to write about.  

· Describe the new awareness and knowledge gained from the readings and lesson. Explain what the topic chosen in this week’s lesson/readings meant to you.

Note: The topic is leadership

Use APA Guidelines to format your paper. Also use in-text citation and reference


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Queen Elizabeth Thesis statement


We need to do first draft and it’s going to be consist of.

clear thesis statement: one clear sentence.

Outline and major points: a page and half of single space, or 3 pages of double space.

Conclusion: good conclusion

Bibliography: has to be included (primarily source, tertiary source, and three scholarly secondary sources.


Remember it’s a draft, a small version of the real research which is going to be 8 full pages.

• You have to follow all the instructions and requirements because we have to show the professor the draft first, then for next week we will write the research.


WHCCD Cultural Theory Of Family And Intimate Violence


Read and research types of intimate and family violence.Which theory of cultural violence makes the most sense and why?Is it possible that more than one theory applies under certain conditions?Explain why or why not.

Discussion Board Rules and Expectations.pdf

SPE104 Ashford Elements of Communication Process Seen in Speech Paper

Business Finance

Historical Speech Review

The ability to recognize and explain the elements of the communication process is the beginning of truly understanding how to prepare for and deliver effective oral presentations. When we are able to recognize the elements of the communication process, we are then able to think more critically about the other factors involved in the effective delivery of oral presentations.

For this assignment, please select and watch one of the historical speeches listed below:

After viewing the speech, prepare a one- to two-page paper (not including title and reference pages) with an introduction and conclusion, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Provide an explanation for the elements of the communication process seen in the speech by answering the following questions:

  1. Speaker: Who is the speaker in the speech?
  2. Message: What is his/her message?
  3. Style: What is the speaker’s predominant style of speaking?
  4. Setting: What is the setting for the speech? What kind of noise or interference is there in the setting during the speech?
  5. Audience: Who is the audience for the speech? What feedback do you see from the audience in recording of the speech?

You must format your in-text citations for both the textbook and the selected speech video according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.